How to care for a French Bulldog puppy

How to care for a French Bulldog puppy

The French Bulldog is a medium-to-small-sized glamorous breed that is oddly beautiful. These compact dogs are perfect for small living spaces and busy urban lifestyles. French Bulldogs rank 4th on the AKC breed popularity index.

French Bulldog puppies are indeed the most charming things to ever walk this earth. They are sweet, friendly, fun-loving, and sometimes mischievous. It is important to understand that as a dog parent you are responsible for the care and wellbeing of your little furry pal. 

Looking after a French Bulldog puppy does not end at making your Frenchie sleep in your bedroom. It extends to giving them a comfortable resting place, feeding them healthy food, grooming, training, daily walk, and taking them for check-ups to a vet.

Let's discuss how to care for a French Bulldog puppy.

How to care for a French Bulldog puppy

Designated area to relax 

After hours of playing, your French Bulldog puppy must be given his well-deserved rest. French Bulldogs have unique sleep needs and require a warm and comfortable area for sleeping. 

You must provide them a designated place to sleep and relax where they feel comfortable. Keep your Frenchie puppy comfortable and well-rested with a cozy dog bed and a blanket.

Feeding your French Bulldog

Good diet and nutrition are important for your French Bulldog puppy's health. Here are some suggestions for feeding your French Bulldog:

  • Frenchie's diet should be appropriate for his age, gender, and activity level.
  • To support your Frenchie's energy level, their daily diet should meet their nutritional requirements.
  • Frenchies can put on weight easily. Do not overfeed your French Bulldogs even if they act as they are starving.
  • Maintain a regular feeding schedule for your French Bulldog. Do not leave your Frenchie’s food out all day. 
  • You must ensure that clean and fresh water should be available to Frenchie puppies at all times.
  • You can also buy a personalized pet food bowl for your adorable pup.

ALSO READ: How much and how often to feed your French Bulldog?

Training your Frenchie 

French Bulldog puppies are usually mischievous, fun-loving, and playful. They must be trained right from puppyhood. 

The most suitable time to start training your French Bulldog puppy is 8-12 weeks. Here are some of the essential training that you need to do with your French Bulldog puppy:

  • Leash training
  • Crate training
  • Potty training
  • Basic obedience training 

ALSO READ 5 Pro tips to train a Frenchie 

If the training experience is pleasant, your French Bulldog puppy will love it. Use a positive reinforcement method. Don't forget to praise and reward your pup during training sessions.

Dog classes and daycare

If you are unable to devote much time, it’s better to enroll your French Bulldog puppy in puppy daycare or puppy classes. Your furry child will learn basic manners and how to behave around other people and pets. 


Try to socialize your French Bulldog puppy as much as possible. Make sure your Frenchie puppy gets to encounter all kinds of people, places, animals, and objects in different settings. 

Introducing new places and meeting new people will help your French Bulldog puppy stay well-mannered in his life. Socialization can stimulate their mind with different people, animals, places, smells, and sounds.

Grooming your French Bulldog

The French Bulldog have short coats and require moderate maintenance. They are fairly easy to groom. Here's how you can groom your Frenchie:

  • Brushing: French Bulldogs have a fine, smooth, and short coat. They are low shedders and require weekly brushing to keep their coats healthy.  
  • Bathing: French Bulldog pups just need occasional baths. You should bathe them when necessary with a pH balanced dog shampoo. Over-bathing is not recommended for French Bulldogs.
  • Wrinkle cleaning: French Bulldogs need regular cleaning of their folds to prevent infections. If wrinkles are allowed to become dirty, they can become a hotbed of germs and infections. 
  • Teeth brushing: Brush your French Bulldog's little teeth at least once or twice a week to prevent bacteria and tartar buildup. Always use a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for canines.
  • Eye cleaning: Your French Bulldog's eyes should be clear with no swelling, redness, or any discharge.
  • Nail trimming: Trim your French Bulldog's nails every couple of weeks or as required. 

    Your regular grooming and careful examination will help you spot potential health problems early. 

    Exercise requirements of a French Bulldogs 

    French Bulldogs have a fairly low energy level and exercise needs. However, to maintain a healthy weight, they need regular low-intensity exercise. This will contribute to your French Bulldog pup's happiness and overall well-being. 

    You can meet your Frenchie's exercise requirements by:

    • A daily walk
    • Fetch games
    • Free play in a fenced yard
    • Find-the-treat game
    • Nose and scent games
    • Playing with interactive toys

    Physical and mental stimulation through exercise will help channel your French Bulldog's energy constructively. Keep in mind that you should not over-exercise your French Bulldog. These dogs are NOT meant to be jogging companions.

    Pro tip: Remember that the French Bulldog is a brachycephalic breed and has low tolerance for heat. These dogs need to be regularly monitored on hot days to ensure that they don't get overheated. 

    Vet Checkup

    Vet check ups give you a chance to track your French Bulldog puppy's growth. You can discuss any questions about your Frenchie's health with your vet. Vet annual examinations are a key part of your Frenchie's preventive care. 

    During your French Bulldog's annual physical exam, your vet will inspect your puppy from head to tail. Make sure to take your vet’s advice on the proper vaccination schedule of your French Bulldog puppy. 

    Never hesitate to ask questions from your vet about your French Bulldog's health. Try to stay calm and positive when you visit your vet’s office for the first time.

    Final Thoughts

    looking after a French Bulldog puppy are indeed one of the most loved dogs in the world. They have amazing personalities and adorable distinctive looks. All we can say is that French Bulldog puppies are simply heart stealers! 

    French Bulldogs are easy-going and love to spend time with owners. Frenchies can make good pets if they match your lifestyle. This wonderful family dog just needs your love and attention!

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    Mi,hija tiene una perrita,y es la consentida de la casa y por todos los miembros de la familia. Yo soy parte de su cuidado cuando mi hija trabaja. Ella es amorosa,tranquila e inteligente .la amamos yo soy su bela!

    Nilsa Villanueva Román

    Tengo a una Bull Dog Francés y no se puede querer más a éstos animalitos de lo que se puede querer…ella me ha robado el corazón ❤️…quiero tanto a mi niña que no se lo que voy a hacer sin ella, lo digo porque tiene ya 13 años y sigue siendo muy juguetona…Dios mío, la quiero tanto…


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