Hey there! So, you are looking to find a cute name for your French bulldog.  That’s a lovely move and many dog owners should get to this stage not too long after they have gotten their pet. It is common to encounter challenges when naming these pets, because most names are attributed to humans already and may sound awkward being the name of a dog.

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However, naming your Frenchie should not be difficult; it is as simple as picking a name that matches a personality you want your dog to exude, yeah that’s what you just read. Take some time to reminisce on moments shared with your friend’s companions and acquaintances and choose a character that resonates well with you, then the name of the character. Many people overtime have chosen names for their dogs based on a whole lot of things, one of which includes simplicity. It would help if you always remembered that your French bulldog is a social companion and so it is essential that you give the dog a name that means something friendly to you.


For this reason, I will be showing you twenty names for dogs you may want to choose from. It is a compilation of ten popular male French bulldog names and ten popular female French bulldog names. These names may not resonate with your choice, but it should spark up inspiration for getting the right name for your Frenchie.



  • Louie
  • Winston
  • Oliver
  • Charlie
  • Max
  • Gus
  • Stitch
  • Bruno
  • Bentley
  • Frankie



  • Lola
  • Stella
  • Bella
  • Luna
  • Lucy
  • Zoey
  • Daisy
  • Coco
  • Lulu
  • Olive

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How to get a name Inspiration

You might be finding it a little challenging to decide a name for your French bulldog. Inspiration comes from anywhere, including food, celebrities, classical, heritage, etc. You should choose something you think is cool; a name that sounds endearing to you, remember it's your dog!


Take your time but make sure you come out with a right choice; pleasing to you first before anyone, you know you might also want to consider a unique name that gets people talking whenever you take your dog for walks in the parks. This is usually very exciting, watching people get surprised at the sound of the dog’s name.


Imagine calling out your dog in the park and people go; 'what?! Is that a dog name? It's so cute.' I bet you'd be so proud of your naming skills. You know you don't have to restrict yourself when naming your dog, enjoy yourself, take your time, and remember to be proud of whatever you come up with.


While you try to be creative with your naming skills, avoid names that could confuse your dog, names that might sound alike with commands you give the dog. An example is a word; 'sit,' you don't want to give your dog a name that sounds like “sit”. Dogs are innocent, confused and funny creatures. They get confused easily and this makes them extra funny. Let me give you an example, imagine calling your dog, and instead of coming to you, he sits and stares or asking your dog to sit, and he keeps coming towards you. The only thing you would be doing is confusing your dog and getting yourself unnecessarily worked up about your dog not being smart enough.  To avoid situations like this, give your dog a name that wouldn't sound like you just issued a command, keep that at the back of your mind.


Give a name that rolls out easily. This is extremely important. You would want to spend a few seconds calling the name of your dog. If you named your dog, Penelope, it takes a while to call that name, but a name like; Gus, just one syllable, and you're done; it just rolls off your tongue.


So, you might want to consider picking from the most famous names of French bulldogs aforementioned, or keeping trying out names from your creative imagination, just ensure that it comes out a nice name. Sometimes I wonder actually, if dogs actually cared about the name given to them, just as we humans do. Have an excellent time naming your dog, and I hope you come up with a beautiful creative name.


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