What are the most uncommon French Bulldogs Colors?

What are the most uncommon French Bulldogs Colors?

French bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are the best home dogs and can sync well with the family or individual who has them. French bulldogs also go along with cats, dogs and make good friends with your guests.

In their fascinating spree, they are also present in varying colors that can appeal to your desires. French bulldogs can be found in lilac, blue, and several other unique colors. French bulldogs that are rare in colors are usually very expensive.

Meanwhile, standard colors of French bulldogs range from white, fawn, cream, and brindle. Other standard colors are a blend of these colors listed here. Brindle color is a dark color that is mixed with lighter color strands of hair. In contrast, a fawn is seen as a light tan colored coat.

Rare colors of French bulldogs are disqualified by the American Kennel Club French Bulldog Breed Standard. But this should not affect your decision to own a rare colored French bulldog.

What rare colored Frenchie are available?

Bluecoats in French bulldogs; this particular color usually leads to a blue Frenchie, blue pied. French bulldogs also have colors with tan points. Other rare colors are French bulldogs that have an all-black color. Chocolate French bulldogs are also rare.

The rare color French bulldog is quite costly because everyone wants to have them in the lodge. There is usually a waiting list for persons who wish to the blue color French bulldog. A Blue French bulldog usually costs more than three times the price of a regular colored French bulldog.

Blue Frenchies are usually prone to particular health conditions referred to as color dilution alopecia. The situation results in a gradual loss of hairs from the dog. It begins when the dog is 6 months and then extends till many years later. It cannot be treated and managed.

One of the disadvantages of having a rare colored French bulldog is that it gets cold very quickly. Generally, French bulldog does not effectively control their body temperature; hence, it is understandable if the blue colored French bulldog experiences the same. A way to reduce the temperature impact on your Frenchie is by dressing them in hoodies.

Another rare French bulldog color is the Sable colored dogs. It resembles a fawn Frenchie and comes with darker hair than usual, covering the coat's parts.

The Isabella colored French bulldog arises from a recessive gene dilution. The dd genotype is needed for the puppy to have this color. However, when a French bulldog has chocolate and blue color, it has the ddbb gene.

Attractiveness and uniqueness are usually why French bulldogs with rare colors are more expensive than other regular colored French bulldogs.

Lilac-colored French bulldogs are also in high demand; they are not produced in many numbers; they are shipped to the West Coast of the United States.




How to buy a rare colored French bulldog

To buy a good and healthy rare colored French bulldog, you will have to ensure you get a reputable breeder. This will help you keep your money safe else, and you may end up getting a dog that will be sick and eventually die prematurely.

Rare colored Frenchie breeders are rare. Typical breeders will only see a rare color French bulldog once or twice a year, and except they are keen on making a rare color Frenchie, they may not eventually have one.  

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I have four FB’s; ages 5.5, 3.2, 1, and 7 months. All are standard size, standard color. Each has definitive personalities that make them unique. I have 0 vet visits, other than routine vaccinations. They jump, climb stairs, do flips mid-air, and eat everything not tied down. They never fail at making me laugh. The research I have gathered over the years has told me the breeds health issues come from inbreeding, and line-breeding to get specific colors as well as size. I consider myself a very lucky Frenchy mom. I recommend the breed to anyone with the patience of a Saint.

Sandra S Dalton

I own 3 frenchies all different colors and they have had absolutely no health issues they are just the best companion dogs ever.

Roxanne Jolicoeur

I rescued a wonderful pied Frenchie who was 5.5 years old. She came from a puppy mill and has been with me just over a year. She is the love of my life. She blended in seamlessly with my pug mix rescue and is the better behaved dog by a long shot. Rescuing is a wonderful way to enjoy this fabulous breed at a much lower cost, and it gives a dog a new life. My only regret is that I had discovered this breed years ago. I plan to rescue another Frenchie soon.


The mini frenchies have the most health problems. Because they’ve been bred to have normal size organs in a smaller body. Breeding micro or mini frenchies is cruel and causes a host of inconfirtabke issues for the animal.

Summer McDowell

Where is the really important information like this breed can’t do stairs, shouldn’t jump from couches or beds, that they make up 80 percent of all breeds getting spine surgery as they slip discs as early as 8 months and that surgery can cost $8k, mri is $2k and up. This breed has breathing issues, can require nares and soft pallet reduction. That they have horrible allergies. I’ve owned 4 frenchies and this is the kind of information I wish I knew. Who cares about the colors. The health of this breed is being overlooked time and time again.

Summer McDowell

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